What are the qualities of beauty

Beauty is a recipe divine grant guide her Almighty conferred on things, beauty is not linked to people or birds or nature or the other, everything is on the face of Statistics possible to have a degree of beauty, Criteria beauty vary from one person to another and from one thing to another,
the beauty is the recipe absolutely not linked to anything or person or place without the other, and at the same time varies from person to person Fmqaaas beauty associated persons themselves not primarily associated with the same thing and, as the poet said (Be nice sees a beautiful presence).
Any that beauty is linked to the same person and in that too many things, it is not only beauty that is linked to the psychology of the person, one of the reflected by the owner, said the poet in the home similar to the beauty of a chest breadth and spaciousness (for your age so large country with its people, but the release of the men is narrowing), there are also several factors recipes lead to beauty, there are several forms of the beauty of the beauty of the shape and beauty of the soul and the beauty of morals and the beauty of words and the beauty of qualities and beauty deed and actions and others, beauty is not limited to anything without the other and affect the exterior shape is the inner essence of how many people God has given him the Almighty beautiful externally but Qin shape his actions, and the racket like a beauty in this world is the prophet of God, peace be upon him where he gave him the Glory of the outer and inner beauty.
And beauty in general recipes shared by everyone, including:
- Tallness.
- Consistency length with a weight do not have a fat nor skinny.
- Net pure skin and where it is not gloom or fatty grain and others.
- Leaning skin color to white is often a favorite of many, though, dark skin confers a kind of softness and charm to the owner.
- Large round eyes, especially if the colors with unusual Kalzarka or oblique yellowish or green.
- Nose Almmhawk convex head.
- White teeth regular and equal.
- Long hair, sand in women specifically.
- Consistency facial landmarks together where all creatures made by God Almighty, The Glory of said (and I have created man in the best stature).
Nevertheless, the standards of beauty in all things vary from one person to another and from one culture to another and from the environment or nature to another.
The beauty is the thing that gives me self-comfort, happiness and optimism, whether stock or a person or a music or talk beautifully like the Qur'aan, for example, or poetry or literature, when you see a beautiful landscape, for example, with the synchronization of rain on the agenda of water or a nearby river, this scene relieves the soul of many of people but it does not mean something to other people, beauty is in all types and grades and its meaning varies from person to person but the best types of beauty and personal point of view is the beauty of the heart and morality.
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