How do I know I am arrogant

The vanity of the ugly qualities of the human person, makes him feel that all people nothing and it is everything, hey you Son of Adam, we are all children of nine months, give me a reason to ego,
and all of our end in the graves, and know that he will not enter Paradise in whose heart atom of arrogance or vanity, and the biggest problem is that some people do not differentiate between the ego and self-confidence, how do you know if you are arrogant or not? Vanity is a medical condition appears when impressive person himself dramatically perhaps for money or beauty, authority or knowledge or other beauties, and human arrogant away everyone with him and hate to talk to him, and kills himself to the peril, the girl spinster become or becomes a man without work because of his ego, and other perils that haunt him throughout his life, and you may see people exceeded its vanity, bringing him to renounce his residence, home or village, and you know that you are arrogant or not by asking yourself a few questions, and ones Am I is willing to pay money for cosmetic surgery, or is willing to pay money in order to buy a nice car to boast or expensive clothing, do I given a lot to myself the mirror every day, do you feel embarrassed to stand with the poor man, you pick up the pictures so much for you in high places and exhibited in front of people, and do you think you are distinct from the others? , Do you feel embarrassed when you see someone wearing such garments, and that person was poor? Do you consider you are always right and stick to your opinion, no matter what the responses of others? The answer to those questions is yes, you are very arrogant, and you have to try to repeal this conceit of yourself, and you can make one by asking your friends close to you and who always tell you the truth that I was arrogant or not? And you also have to know it from the way others deal with you, the always find them Mpttn about you and do not want to come near you to make sure that there is a reason for it, try to ask one of them and to be who you ask daring to Ajaopk frankly that I was arrogant or not, and to begin note on your word that you're a lot to talk about yourself, or a word repeated I often during your speech, and that I found that there is a shred of vanity you, do not stand rallied hand and keeps it vanity, but was quick to get rid of it in any way and that by knowing the cause of vanity and trying not to brag about it, we have to know that God also Mizk advantage may make your flaws.
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