What is the aorta and treatment

When a person feels the pain of the back in between the shoulder area, he said to him that he was suffering from aortic disease, where the aorta is the aorta, which comes from the heart and is feeding all members of the body artery, and interpreted by others as an air that enters the muscles of the body and moves to the shoulders, but scientific truth to the aorta is that in case of any change in the human body temperature in the shoulder area or do muscular effort without a break is needed, or perhaps by doing a surprise and the wrong movements in the neck, which causes pain in a certain point between the shoulders or below and move from one place to another .

The diagnosis of aortic : doctors can not show through various X - rays, mostly a muscle strain in the shoulder muscle, or it may be the result of a particular disease , such as a disease of the spine or sliding in one of the cartilage, or muscle strain.

Symptoms of aortic :

Shoulder pain or below, such as a screw or needle prick pain and hands up to the chest area.
Pain under the shoulder moves to the neck and hands.
Did not occur when you take a deep breath or when the bypass to the right Ooalessar.
Difficulty breathing in the event of severe pain.
A decrease in heart beat.
Headaches, anemia, inflammation of the joints.

The causes of the aorta :

When a person is exposed to severe cold unexpectedly.
Do very effort without rest or sit wrong, especially women and students at the school carrying school books.
Sleeping wrong may cause pain aortic human barriers.
Some diseases, such as slipped disc.
Wounds or trauma.
Or because of disruptions in the connective tissue.

How to treat aortic:

The treatment of the aorta through the experience of some of the people, are lying on your stomach and loosen the entire body, and with the help of a friend or your brothers search for a place of pain by pressing by hand, when define the place of pain by pressing 

firmly until it hears a crackling sound.
Through you to lift the elbows to be at the level of the shoulders or a little less, and then you combine the shoulders to each other from behind any elbows back toward the back until you feel that the shoulder blades are close to each other, you repeat this exercise 100 times per day, you may feel pain in Sadr because of the exercise but will go away quickly, and then doing a shower Protector shed water on the back.

Or through daily sleep on a pillow high and not doing Pray hands toward pain.

Some medications are eating provided after reviewing the doctor's diagnosis and the good of the disease to determine its exact cause, such as corticosteroid treatment is the inflammation of the arteries, drugs steroids and immunosuppressive drugs repression such as cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate
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