What causes hypotension

blood pressure
Blood pressure is a measure of the resistance to blood flow through the artery walls, while low or falling blood pressure is the condition in which arterial blood is low, that is, it becomes less than normal, and in most cases does not consider
it a medical condition if you do not cause symptoms, or no pressure be there was a medical condition associated with him , such as heart disease .

Blood pressure is measured in the form of extension of the shrine, where crosses the upper figure for the amount of the blood vessels to blood flow resistance in the event of myocardial contractility and is called the systolic pressure, and expresses the lower figure for the amount of resistance in the event of relaxation of the heart muscle between the pulse and the other is called the diastolic pressure.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or so, the symptoms of low blood pressure are clearly shown when the blood pressure is less than 90/60, and this will deprive the brain and other vital organs function in the body of the necessary supply of oxygen and nutrients in quantities, which may lead to the emergence of some health problems.

The causes of low blood pressure in general
The causes of low blood pressure varies, some of which is a natural result of the lifestyle of the person or the nature of his body, and there is a natural, and have an offer for a particular disease, or as a result of some drugs and others, are the reasons behind the pressure drop, there are approximately forty reason, this article will review the most important of these reasons.

Landing orthostatic blood pressure, a pressure drop suddenly when standing up quickly.
Spree killer allergies, a backlash is doing the immune system against a stimuli sensitivity , Verbt pressure sudden and dangerous.
Dehydration, not drinking enough fluids, through the amount of compensation for the lost body fluids sweating and others.
Hypovolemic shock, a condition threatening the life of the patient, which produces more than twenty percent of the volume of blood or body fluids shortage; as a result he was bleeding heavily, whether internal or external bleeding, or severe burns.
Endocrine diseases in the body, such as diseases of laziness hypothyroidism , and Addison 's disease.
Pregnancy; because the circulatory system expands rapidly during pregnancy, which is a natural thing; where natural pressure to put it back after the birth.
Low blood sugar (in English: hypoglycemia).
Heart muscle diseases, such as cardiac arrhythmia , and angina, myocardial infarction, and others.
Exposure to heat blow the sun, bathing or very hot water; because this leads to a pooling of blood under the skin and the parties away from vital organs.
Metals and minerals deficiency in the body, such as a lack of vitamin B12 , folic acid, iron can cause a condition in which the body does not produce does not produce enough red blood cells (anemia), causing low blood pressure.
Acute blood.
Genetics, where the blood pressure in some families down through inheritance.
Some drugs, such as high pressure medicines, and some medicines antidepressants , and diuretics.
Pulmonary thrombus.
Some neurological diseases, such as Parkinson 's disease .
Syncope urination, a temporary pressure drop, and loss of consciousness because of urination, and usually occur for the elderly as a result of the secretion of certain hormones.
Severe vomiting and diarrhea.
Nubia vascular Almpehmah, a condition where the pressure is reduced, and at least her heart beat ; because of exposure to certain situations that provoke feelings of the person, such as extreme sadness or shocking news.
Pressure drop after eating as a result of the consumption of the digestive system a large amount of blood in the digestive process.
Exposure to some types of toxins, such as acetone and chlorine.
Some bacterial diseases, such as typhoid and plague .
Some types of cancers, such as cancers of the pituitary gland.
Tea-known syndrome Dragr (in English: Shy-Drager): This disorder causes progressive damage to the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary functions, such as pressing the blood, heart rate, breathing and digestion.
Excessive drinking beverages containing caffeine, such as coffee.

Low blood types
There are lots of kinds of divisions lower blood pressure, and did not uniformly be determined, but most of them support the same principle in the category, and this one almost universal categories, namely: [5]

Severe acute low blood pressure, and the decline is surprising, and is threatening the life of the patient.
Enkhavd positive blood or blood pressure orthostatic: Usually what happens when you stand up after a sudden relax or sit, spread largely among the elderly who have exceeded the 65 -year- old, and has several reasons: [3]
Drought and food shortages.
Excessive blood loss during menstruation.
Central nervous system disorders.
Cardiovascular disorders.
Low blood pressure after eating: affects adults, mostly the elderly, occurs as a result of the flow of a large amount of blood to the digestive tract after eating.
Low structural blood pressure: a pressure drop permanently and chronic, without knowing the main reason behind this disease.

Symptoms of low blood pressure
Multiple symptoms of low pressure, some of which will be an impediment to the activities of daily life, some of which have only troublesome, namely

Feeling dizzy or fainting.
Arrhythmia .
Vomiting and fatigue.
Feeling more thirsty than usual.
Blurry vision.
Cooler skin and moisture.
The weakness and lack of focus of attention.

the cure
The treatment reduced blood pressure by several measures of lifestyle change, and treating the main cause of the disease, and these are some tips and treatments to avoid the damage resulting from the pressure drop, and control

Add more salt in your diet after review and consult your doctor.
Get intravenous fluids.
Change or stop taking medications that help lower blood pressure.
Drink more water.
Avoid drinking caffeine.
Drink adequate amounts of beneficial juices.
The practice of sports activities .
The body postures changed quietly.
Avoid tensile and fatigue the body overworked.
Some drugs, such as fludrocortisone, and Midodran, nor Tahz these drugs only consult a doctor.
Sit down and put the head between the knees, it helps blood pressure returned to normal.

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